How to: Self Acupressure Massage

Show your hands love with this self acupressure massage that treats your arms and hands in just minutes a day!

This massage will relax muscle tension and improve flexibility and dexterity in your fingers, which is so important for the fine, detailed work of nail technicians. As well, it will improve your technique overall and support the longevity of your nail career!

This treatment targets the extrinsic muscles in your forearms that are responsible for the movement of your wrists, hands and fingers as well as the intrinsic muscles in your hands that are responsible for gripping and skilled movements. (Very important for holding your client’s hand in place as you create your masterpiece!)

Use this self acupressure massage daily to keep your hands happy and healthy, relax your mind and find your zen.

Self Acupressure Massage

First, center yourself. Take in a nice deep breath and allow your whole body to relax.

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Next, warm up. With your right hand, gently squeeze your left arm starting just below your elbow and slowly move down your forearm, over your wrist and finish with a gentle hand squeeze.

Step 1

Cradle your left arm, palm facing down. Relax your shoulders. Starting below the elbow, use your right thumb to apply a firm, but comfortable pressure to the extensors of your forearm. Use your thumb to apply this pressure to five points as you move down your forearm towards your wrist. Hold each point for three seconds.

Target muscles: Extensors of the forearm

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Continue to cradle your left arm, but flip over your palm so that it is facing upwards. Relax your shoulders. Starting below the elbow, use your right thumb again, applying a firm but comfortable pressure to the flexors of your forearm. Repeat applying firm but comfortable pressure like before to five points as you move down your forearm to your wrist. Hold each point again, for three seconds.

Target muscles: Flexors of the forearm.

Enhance this massage by using your fingers to apply pressure to the opposite side of your arm at the same time as your thumb is working. This will be doubly beneficial and your muscles will melt with joy!

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Step 2

Continue cradling your left arm, palm facing up. Use your right thumb to apply a comfortable pressure to your palm on the pinkie finger side of your hand. Apply comfortable pressure with your thumb three points, creating a line up your hand towards the base of your pinkie finger. Hold each point for three seconds.

Repeat this motion with your right thumb, applying comfortable pressure to the center of your palm. Apply this pressure to three points again, creating a line up your hand towards the base of your middle finger. Hold each point for three seconds.

Repeating this motion again with our right thumb again, but applying the pressure to your palm on the thumb side of your hand. Apply comfortable pressure with your thumb to three points, creating a line up towards the base of your index finger. Hold each point for three seconds.

Target muscles: Intrinsic muscles of the hand.

Enhance these massages by making small, circular motions with your right thumb while you apply pressure to each point.

Step 3

Flip over your hand, so that your left palm is facing down again. Using your index finger and thumb of your right hand, gently massage each finger beginning at the base and ending at the fingertip. Start with your pinkie and treat each finger, ending with your thumb. Target muscles: There are no muscles in your fingers! Instead, you are massaging and relaxing the tendons in your fingers.

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Enhance this technique by giving each finger a squeeze at the fingertip before you move on to the next one. This stimulates the meridians (the pathways along which the body’s vital energy flows according to the theory behind acupuncture) that end in your fingers.

Repeat steps 1-3, now with your right hand

Cool down: Bring your hands to a prayer position in front of your heart and give yourself a few words of self love in completion of this self acupressure massage. Namaste!

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Pro tip: 

Keep your entire body relaxed throughout your self treatment. Check in with your breath; take slow deep breaths into your abdomen to stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system. This practice will calm your whole being!

Always consult your physician before beginning any exercise program. This general information is not intended to diagnose any medical condition or to replace your healthcare professional. Consult with your healthcare professional to design an appropriate exercise prescription. If you experience any pain or difficulty with these exercises, stop and consult your healthcare provider.
Hayley Clarke

Hayley Clarke is a Registered Shiatsu Therapist and Reiki Master/Teacher who shares over 15 years of experience. She is certified in several modalities including strength training, a variety of physical therapies and energy balancing techniques. She has developed a unique treatment style which infuses energy balancing techniques and physical therapies to support your body, mind and soul. Hayley practices and teaches in Victoria, BC, Canada.

Find Hayley at and


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