Dealing with Anxiety at Work or School

Whether you struggle with anxiety or not, starting a new job, going back to school or even beginning a new course can be nerve-racking. For those who already suffer from anxiety, it is that much more stressful. While you may not be able to simply will the worry away, there are things you can do to minimize its effect and prevent it from taking over.

Here are some ways to help keep your anxiety under control.

Be an advocate for yourself! 

Speak to your boss or teacher beforehand privately to let them know of your situation. Let them know what you may have to deal with during a shift or class. For instance, you may need to excuse yourself for a quick break to recoup. Having your boss or instructor aware of this will lessen alarm for them and ease stress for you.

Find what grounds you. 

This might be meditation, prayer or breathing/grounding exercises. On your first day at school or on the job you may have to do them fifty times, but with continual practice, you’ll find yourself needing to implement them less and less frequently.

Take ownership and responsibility for your well being. 

The only person in charge of your life and your health is YOU! While it is okay to accept others’ help if they offer it, don’t assume that they will or that they should. You’ll find accepting full accountability for yourself is empowering!

Remember that you are not alone. 

So many people struggle with this to varying degrees. You’re not weak. You are human. Just like so many other people out there.

“Those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.”(Bernard Baruch)

If you do decide to tell your boss or teacher about your anxiety, imagining what they might think of you can be a scary thought. Will they see you differently? Will they think you’re weak or an inconvenience? While this is possible, so is their kindness and support. A good boss or educator wants to see you succeed, because in turn that means that they’ve succeeded. If this isn’t the case and you’ve shown them your determination and hard work, then perhaps you need to consider if they are someone you want to invest your time in or not.

Where there’s a will, there’s a way! 

Regardless of the obstacles you face, if you’re willing to put in the work then you can overcome more than you could ever imagine. It may take you a bit longer, but that’s okay. If you’re taking a class or working a job that you’re passionate about, lean into that; it is your strength! You still may need to sacrifice your comfort in order to see the other side, but the discomfort is a temporary price to pay for the lasting reward of conquering your fears and achieving your goals.

Genevieve Kelly

Genevieve is a new nail technician beginning to build her home business, Aesthetics by Genevieve Kelly. She is currently based in Victoria, BC, Canada. Find Genevieve and her work on Instagram.


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