Learning Nails on YouTube

I’ve always loved art; drawing and painting especially. Expressing myself in this way is always something I’ve connected with.

When I was sixteen, I started finding beauty videos to watch online. And through this, I was introduced to the world of nails. I found a nail tutorial and it captivated me. It wasn’t long after that that I went out and got the products and tools I needed to try this artform out for myself.

At first, I didn’t know if I would be any good at it. But, I let my curiosity take the lead and went for it anyway. Besides, it looked simple enough. I would just follow the steps that the tutorials instructed me to. After actually trying to do my first set however, I realized that it was not that easy. I tried very hard and was as careful as I could be, but I was still, as they say, “floating the cuticles,” and at that time, a full set would take me nearly all day!

Even still, my interest wasn’t deterred. Instead of getting frustrated, I leaned into the process, dissecting what seemed to be working for me and what wasn’t so much.

Amongst my search for more videos online to help me learn, I found Suzie’s library of educational nail videos on YouTube. These really helped me understand everything because of how in depth she goes into every topic. Where some videos I’d find online were only ten minutes long, hers would be four times that. I found this so helpful in allowing me to absorb all the information at a natural pace. Without any time pressure, every detail and step can be covered and there are no misunderstandings.

I continued to practice. I followed along with my favourite tutorials and then I took my knowledge out “into the field,” using my two sisters and my mum as models when I could. I practiced nearly every weekend on them and on nail tips during the week and it started to really pay off. Through my trials, I learned my errors, which was vital intel. I discovered how important nail structure was when my nails would snap. I realized that I was not forming my nails high enough on the stress point, and that they were too thick on the free edge. I have to say, it is better to practice one hundred times for every one set you actually do on someone than to only practice once for every one hundred sets. My first tries were misses. But, with every attempt, they turned out better each time. And more importantly, I would understand more clearly what I was doing wrong.

Not only did I learn to hone my own skill, but I also learned about how to work with different products.

At the beginning, I was using a really runny base coat. After I would paint all five nails on a hand, I’d go back to check the first one I painted to find that the cuticle would already be floated! Which was so frustrating because I took my time painting all of them, wanting to get as close to the cuticle as possible. When I realized that the base coat was the issue, it was an easy fix, and I was able to get the result I wanted.

I’ve been doing nails for two years now, and I have already learned so much! I’m eighteen now and this time that I’ve taken to learn nails has showed me how endless the possibilities are. From different nail art and styles to new products and trends… This hobby has become a life goal for me. I’m sure that this is what I want to do for my future.

If it wasn’t for finding nail tutorials on YouTube, I’m not positive that I could say I’d be where I am today.

I was able to follow my own whim and start learning for free, before I even knew I enjoyed doing it.

I know now that nails is my passion. And even though I have improved my skills a lot since I started, I know that I will also never stop learning.

Mateusz Gryzik

Mateusz is a passionate nail tech in the making. Currently in high school, Mateusz is learning the trade one step at a time through YouTube. After graduation, he wants to become a qualified nail technician and one day, he hopes to own his own nail salon. Mateusz lives in a small town in the South of Poland. Find Mateusz and his work on Instagram.


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