The World of Nail Competition

I stumbled into the world of nail competitions on a whim.

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I was encouraged by fellow nail tech Amanda Sosnowski, who is also one of the founders, administrators and organizers of Nail Masters and Nail Masters Canada, an international and national nail competition. While I was gently nudged into the competition ring by Amanda, I admit that I entered very much like a deer in headlights. I was very nervous, apprehensive and felt quite in over my head. I actually had no intention of entering the competition until two days before, so I had prepped very little. Still, I decided to take the plunge anyway and I dove in head first without much knowledge of what to expect. I thought to myself, if nothing else, I’d learn for the next time around.

To back it up a bit- I was attending the 2nd Nail Masters Canada in Saskatoon, Saskatechewan to simply take in the event. The idea of entering a competition while there lingered in the back of my mind, but I was still unsure. At NMC, I was welcomed in true Canadian style with a hug and smile and I felt genuinely welcomed by everyone there. Even though I was new and didn’t know anyone, they made me feel that my presence was equally as important as everyone else’s. Not once did I feel insignificant or out of place. Because of this, I felt compelled to be involved, and I tossed my hat into the ring!

To say that I learned a lot from competing would be an understatement!

The challenge to do my best work and reflect on the constructive criticism I received from the judges lit a fire under me. It’s inspired me to be a better educator, a better nail technician, and even a better person. Not only do I expand my love for my craft with each competition I’m a part of, but I conquer my fears and self doubt and prove to myself that I am stronger than them each time. Which is worth its weight in gold.

No matter how long we’ve been in the industry, who we work for, how many sets we do every week, if we don’t leave our comfort zones to try something new, we won’t progress. We can’t accomplish if we don’t let ourselves try in the first place.

That first year, I took home three trophies, including 1st place in hand painted (Veteran), which is something I never thought I’d achieve in my career, but I did with the encouragement of those around me.

So, let me encourage you! If you are ever in the position to be able to attend and/or compete at a nail event and competition, DO IT! You very well may be uneasy and nervous like I was, but being in that environment, around all the other techs and seeing those just like you break down the walls of their fears and find what’s on the other side is incredible and infectious. So much so, that you just might want to burst through too.

And believe me when I say the other side is worth the effort to break through to.

Chantel Joy

Chantel Joy is a long time Nail Technician with a passion for art and education. She is an international educator, a lead educator for Fuzion Gel, Director of Education for Clear Jelly Stamper and a Swarovski authorized nail art educator. Find Chantel on YouTube and Instagram at @chanteljoy_infinity


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