Why I Throw Trash Over My Shoulder

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I’ve been lucky throughout my nail career to have clients who I get along very well with. When I relocated my nail studio to my home, my favourite clients came with me and we got to enjoy a cozy and casual environment. All of my clients knew I was choosing to work from home so I could be there for my kids, and they appreciated and respected this.

On a normal working day, I was doing one of my clients while we were chatting up a storm. We were talking and laughing amongst the relaxed (aka messy), but happy atmosphere of my house. Working from home certainly has its benefits- but let’s just say, you could tell that we lived there. My kids’ toys were peppered about, as well as their shoes and backpacks. There was evidence of the little ones all around us.

My client and I were splitting a gut, like we normally would during our appointment. We were cracking jokes and so I was in a very goofy and light hearted mood. I had just finished with a nail form I had been using, so instead of placing it in my trash bin, I found myself tossing it over my shoulder for a giggle. It was as if to say, “Oh well- look at this mess! One more piece of trash ain’t gonna matter!”

Since that day, throughout the years during appointments with my clients, I would whip out the joke when that same feeling would strike me. It’s never failed to get a chuckle.

Along creating videos on YouTube, I became more comfortable when I remembered that there are real people just like my clients on the other side of the camera. On a particular shoot day, I reminded myself of this and the same goofy, light hearted mood from years before came over me. The camera was my client, and I love to get a laugh from my clients. So, over my shoulder the trash went! It felt so good.

Some of the funniest and most infectious things come from unplanned and spontaneous moments. That’s certainly what I’ve found in this case. The laughter I get from my clients and the ‘lols’ I receive from comments online have helped turn it into a little ritual.

And yes, I clean it up after.


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