What to Do When You Forget Your Appointment



You love your nail tech and you look forward to every appointment with them. In fact, you can’t wait for the next one! Which is… this Thursday, isn’t it? You can’t quite remember the time of the appointment, so you check your calendar and you see that... it was actually today?! Two hours ago! You check your phone to see that your nail tech has called you twice. Oh no... You feel terrible! What do you do?

Speaking from a nail tech’s point of view, I’ll be honest; we hate it when clients don’t show up. It’s a gut punch. You’d be surprised the thoughts that can go running through our heads. We think of all sorts of reasons why our client could have stood us up. From them hating our work to thinking they don’t like us at all. There’s also logistical concerns. An absent client means money missed. Which is made all the more frustrating if we had to turn another client down because we were booked with this appointment or we ended up having to come in on our day off. Having said all of that, we do understand that clients are human and that it happens. And sometimes- only SOMETIMES- our schedule is so busy that it’s nice to have an unexpected break, to grab a quick bite or to finally get to go to the bathroom!

So, here’s what to do:

Call or text ASAP!

 Contact your nail tech right away when you realize you’ve missed your appointment. You don’t want to keep them in limbo wondering what might have went wrong, especially when it was an innocent mistake!

Apologize and own it. 

If it was an error on your part, just own up to it. Everyone makes mistakes and your nail tech is human, just like you. Odds are they’ll understand. Especially if you talk to them directly and apologize.

Offer to pay anyway. 

As a courtesy to your nail tech and in respect for their time, offer to pay for your missed appointment. This shows your tech that you value them having you as a client and that you intend to keep up your end of your client-tech relationship. You may find that they end up waiving the fee, as often the offer alone helps them know that your heart is in the right place.

Tips for Techs:

Be easy on your client. 

Especially, if they are a regular client. Remember that these things can also happen to us. Whether it’s unexpected traffic on our way to work or another client getting us so far behind that we end up being late for our next.

Consider your client overall. 

If you have a great rapport with your client, that in itself is worth a lot. A mistake like a missed appointment can be forgiven when the client is so great to work with.

No one is perfect. Everyone forgets from time to time! Let’s allow each other to make an error and not be judged too harshly for it, as we would hope that they would do the same for us.


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