3 Simple Stretches for Hand Health

The health and happiness of your hands are paramount to your nail career success! Whether you are working on a professional level or you are just starting out, taking steps to care for your body will support your self care regime, improve your technique and increase the longevity of your career. Love your hands!

Here are three simple hand stretches that can be done everyday in just minutes:

Warm up: 

Increase circulation by opening and closing your fingers very quickly for 30 seconds. Next, put your hands up and quickly swivel your wrists for another 30 seconds (the queens wave very quickly).

The Stretches 

These stretches target the extensor and flexor muscles responsible for the movement of your wrists, hands and fingers. Repeat twice daily for best results.

1. Hold your right arm out in front of you (just below shoulder height) with your fingers pointed down and your palm facing you.

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Place your left hand over the back of your right hand and fingers and gently press your right hand towards you with your left hand. Hold for 30 seconds and repeat on your left side. Target muscles: Extensors.

Enhance this stretch by clenching your extended hand into a fist.

2. Hold your right arm out in front of you (just below shoulder height like before), but this time swivel your arm so your fingers are pointed down and the back of your hand is facing you.

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With your left hand, gently stretch each finger back, individually holding the stretch for 5 seconds starting with your pinky finger. When you get to your thumb, reach your left hand underneath your right grasping your thumb with all of your fingers. Gently stretch your thumb to the outer side of your forearm, holding the stretch for 5 seconds. Repeat on your left side. Target muscles: Flexors.

Improve this stretch by keeping your fingers straight and open like a fan.

3. Bring your hands in front of you. Connect your finger tips, tenting your hands and applying pressure to gently stretch out your fingers.

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Slowly bring your fingers and palms together into prayer position and lower your hands down as far as you can keeping your palms connected. Hold for 30 seconds. Target muscles: Flexors.

Cool down: 

Bring your hands back up to your heart and give yourself a few words of self love as you complete your stretches. Namaste!

Professional Tip for Nail Techs at Work: 

Relax your body! You may notice your whole body is tense when you hold your client’s hand in place. Instead, drop your shoulders and relax your whole body. Release any tension and use that energy instead as strength to focus on the place you are holding. Breathe. By releasing the tension in your body, you will improve circulation, relieve muscle tightness and feel more relaxed.

Always consult your physician before beginning any exercise program. This general information is not intended to diagnose any medical condition or to replace your healthcare professional. Consult with your healthcare professional to design an appropriate exercise prescription. If you experience any pain or difficulty with these exercises, stop and consult your healthcare provider.

Hayley Clarke

Hayley Clarke is a Registered Shiatsu Therapist and Reiki Master/Teacher who shares over 15 years of experience. She is certified in several modalities including strength training, a variety of physical therapies and energy balancing techniques. She has developed a unique treatment style which infuses energy balancing techniques and physical therapies to support your body, mind and soul. Hayley practices and teaches in Victoria, BC, Canada.

Find Hayley at fullcirclebodyworks.ca and facebook.com/hayleyfullcirclebodyworks


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