5 Nail Tips for your Wedding Day

Every set of nails a nail technician creates is special, but… nails for a wedding are extra special! They will be, after all, the backdrop for the very wedding ring itself! The bride and the ring are the stars of the show – and the bride’s nails are the supporting actors.



Whether you’ve never had nails done before or you’ve been a client for years, here are some tips every bride should keep in mind for their nails on their big day.

1 OWN Your Style

For your big day, you want to choose a nail design that you can look back on for years to come and still appreciate. Only you really know what this is for you. Do you like being bold? Are you constantly trying new looks and loving it? If so, going for a trendy design might be right up your alley and still bring a smile to your face when looking back on the day. However, if you are someone who prefers a particular personal style that you’ve honed or just want to keep your nails simple and clean on your day of days, then choosing a more timeless design will probably be your best bet. Either way, know which type you are and OWN IT.

2 Talk to your Tech



Even if your wedding nails will be done by your regular nail tech, you will want to have a conversation with them ahead of time about what you’re wanting to get done for the big day. They will need to gather some important intel beforehand in order to give you what you’re looking for. Some of these include: the wedding dress style and colour, the season the wedding is taking place, the type of theme of the wedding, etc… Also, it is a very good idea to get your wedding nails done a few days before the actual day. Leaving it till the day before or the day of leaves you with no wiggle room if something does go wrong- like your tech ends up sick or there is a misbooking. You do not want to miss getting your nails done- especially if it’s a fill that you need.

3 Think of Your Dress

If you want to opt for some embellishments, like diamonds, jewels or accessories on your nails, just keep in mind that any of these items could pull a thread or snag the fabric of your dress accidentally. Keep under consideration the materials of your dress and avoid any possible disasters by using a top coat over the final design to soften any sharp edges. When choosing your nail colour, make sure to pair with the hue of your dress. You might think you want pure white nails for a clean look, but when placed next to an off-white or cream dress for example, it can actually make the dress look dirty in comparison. Be sure to test out your desired nail colour with your dress, in person.

4 Stick to your Usual Length



If you don’t normally have your nails done with some length, it is not wise to try it for the first time before an important event like your wedding! The reason why is that the chance of nail breakage becomes much higher when going from short to long in one appointment. Long nails take some getting used to and it’s during this stage where the possibility of nail breaks are particularly heightened. The last thing you want to have to worry about or deal with is a broken nail! Also, consider your honeymoon. If you’re traveling right after the wedding for a long getaway, you may need to find a nail salon on your trip for a fill, or take a file with you to shorten them as they grow. If they grow too long unattended, they may break, which is a hassle you really don’t want to deal with while you’re away.

5 Complete the Look

You’re going to look stunning on your wedding day- hair done, makeup, nails, dress- you’ll feel like a million dollars! Why not go all out and complete the look from top to bottom by adding a pedicure to your wedding nail service? Whether it’s on the dance floor or from your feet being sore from wearing those heels- or later at the hotel on your wedding night- your shoes may come off at some point. If your toes will be on display, why not show them the love too? Matching your tootsies with your ensemble will polish you off perfectly!

Your wedding day will be one of the most exciting, memorable, amazing- and busy- days of your life! Keep all of these tips in mind to take care of your nails well before your big day. Every time you look down at your ring, you’ll be so happy you did!


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