We Love Our Nail Techs! (And Clients)!


“Initially, I just needed a job to pay the bills. But when I became a nail technician, I had no idea how positively my clients would affect me and my life. I share this feeling with many other nail techs and also clients… This is how we feel!”

- Suzie

Love from Nail Techs

“My clients inspire me to be creative and validate the love that I have for my career everyday.”

Chelsea Leigh

Nail Tech


“I love that my clients share their lives with me.”

Hayley Clarke

Shiatsu Therapist/Reiki Master

Full Circle Body Works

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“I love my clients because of what they teach me. I have learned more patience, resilience and compassion since becoming a nail tech.”

Morgan Wallace

Nail Tech/Salon Owner


“I love the sense of pride I feel being able to provide a pampering service for my clients; one that enables them to share a piece of their intimate life stories with me.”

Angela Ash

Eyelash Tech


“I love my clients because they have demonstrated the significance of loyalty. Not only do I appreciate their business, but also their unconditional support towards me and my work. It is truly empowering.”

Camila Rojas

Nail Tech


“I love my clients because I have a special relationship with each and every one of them. I’ve gone through so much with some clients that they’ve become like family.”

Baylee Juch

Nail Tech


“I love my clients… I know when it comes to their nails, they could go any place on earth, and they choose to come to me to spend their time and money to get John nails!”

John Hauk

President of Royalty Beauty and Nail Tech


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“They can be so honest and open about their lives. They can give you the greatest advice from all things in life- no matter what the age.”

Elizabeth Kim

Nail Tech


“I love my clients because they push me to be a better nail tech everyday.”

Bailey Balaich

Nail Tech


“They are all teaching me everyday to be compassionate… They are all so different and from every walk of life. Yet, in my tiny studio, sitting across from each one and holding their hands, we are all the same.”

Julie Robinson

Nail Tech


“They are more than just my clients. They are my friends… and most honest critics. They help me make Fuzion and my own skills the best they can be.”

Cheryl McLaughlin

Owner of Fuzion Gel and Nail Tech


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“I love every single one of my clients! They walk in as strangers, leave as friends and return as part of my nail family.”

Sherry Bradford

Salon Owner and Nail Tech


“[My clients] make me feel very special and important. They really appreciate my work and always support me about everything.”

Olga Khazova

Owner of European Standard and Nail Tech


“[My clients] became like family. I spent more quality one on one time with them than I did my best friends. They came in every three weeks like clockwork and spent two hours with me! Visiting, sharing and laughing… or crying!”

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Debbie Duxbury

Creator of Clear Jelly Stamper and Nail Tech


“I love getting to know each of them. I am always excited when they come back and tell me about a goal or achievement they have accomplished between appointments.”

Darby Davis

Nail Tech


“I have been through their best times and worst times with them and they, with me. Ultimately, I love [my clients] because they start coming because they love what I can do for them. But, they keep coming year after year because we enjoy our time together.”


Nail Tech


“They make my world go around! They open their hearts to let me in… They fill my day with purpose and give me an opportunity to make them happy… When I make a suggestion, the first thing they say is, ‘I trust you. Do whatever you think is best.”

Lori Halloway

Nail Tech


“I like how you can connect with a complete stranger over a mutual love for beauty and art. Many of my favourite clients connected with me over their passion for personal expression, which then opened up their whole life and heart. It’s fascinating to connect with another human being so deeply over something that is usually considered superficial: beauty.”

Liz Morris

Owner of the Nail Hub and Nail Tech



Love from Clients

“We make the drive out to see Elizabeth because my girls love her!”

Tara Furtado

“I love getting my nails done because I LOVE getting up in the morning and no matter what I’m doing that day, I can throw my clothes on and feel I have a polished look.”

Michelle F.

“[My tech] always has such a friendly, warm personality. It makes the appointment such a relaxing experience.”


“Sitting down with my nail tech is like visiting with a friend. It’s taking the time out of my busy schedule to do something for myself. There is always laughing and catching up and when we are finished, she has created a look to make me feel pretty and feminine and ready to conquer everyday life again!”


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“On top of the talented service I get, I am not plus two amazing ladies in my life that I genuinely enjoy sharing and gaining life lessons with.”


“I love my nail tech because we always have great conversations and her skill and creativity leave me feeling polished and glamorous.”


“It’s like coming to see a friend. It’s a treat! She’s so easy to talk to and makes me feel like a million!”


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“I was actually [my tech’s] model [originally]. I ended up liking them, so I kept coming back… It’s always relaxing.”


“She makes me feel like she wants my nails to be done to the perfection of how she would like her nails done… She is very welcoming and not only talks about my personal life, but opens her heart to me. It’s nice to feel respected and trusted.”


“She always makes me laugh and feel great about coming in the door… Always smiling and witty. Love my time with her!”

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“Suzie: stopping my nail biting since 2016, one laugh at a time.”



“My daughter and I love getting our nails done. I was trained by Suzie years ago, but it’s such a treat to have her do them! Just having my nails makes me feel so feminine and put together.”


“She is always super friendly and reliable. She is also always very knowledgeable about designs and colours that are in for the time of year.”



Extreme Nail Art


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