Proper Posture at the Nail Table
Maintaining proper posture while working on your clients day in and day out will not only keep your body comfortable and support the longevity of your nail career, but it will also present a more confident and professional image to your clients.
Use these simple techniques to not only give yourself better posture, but to also relax your neck, back, shoulders and hips as well!
Keep your spine straight
When working on your clients, keep your spine straight. You can avoid the need to lean over by pulling your chair forward so that your legs are tucked underneath your desk. If you still feel the need to lean in, engage your abdominal muscles. This supports your back while also maintaining proper posture for your spine.
Drop your shoulders
When we’re focused on work, many of us automatically tighten up and shrug our shoulders out of concentration. If you drop your shoulders and relax your back, you will actually allow your body to have more dexterity and stability as you work.
Keep your hips square and your feet flat on the floor
Adjust your chair so that your legs are comfortably at a 90 degree angle and both of your feet naturally rest flat on the floor. Do not cross your legs! If you need to twist around as you’re working, do not twist your torso by itself. Instead, turn your whole body together; your upper body, hips and legs continuing to face the same direction.
Take the opportunity between your clients to maintain healthy circulation for your body. You can do this by throwing in some gentle stretching (learn three simple stretches here) throughout your work day along with some nice, deep relaxation breaths. The more you take the time to practice proper posture, the easier and more natural it becomes!
Always consult your physician before beginning any exercise program. This general information is not intended to diagnose any medical condition or to replace your healthcare professional. Consult with your healthcare professional to design an appropriate exercise prescription. If you experience any pain or difficulty with these exercises, stop and consult your healthcare provider.