Picking Your Perfect Nail Colour



You’ve been waiting all week to get your nails done…

So you happily skip through the front door of your salon, ready to be pampered and chat with your nail tech when all of a sudden you realize that you haven’t given one single thought about what colour you want your nails! So, you begin to frantically run through all of the possibilities in your head... Which sounds a bit something like this:

“I’m feeling bold today, so I’ll choose a bright pillar box red. But, no… wait. That IS quite bright and it’s only March. So, maybe I should go for a pastel shade instead… Oh, but I hated the last time I had that. Oh gosh, she’s going to ask me soon and I still don’t know. Oh, okay, I know. I’ll go for something dark and sexy, like I saw Khloe Kardashian wear the other day. Yep! That’s my decision. Hm… I do always LOVE a good nude though. Yeah, maybe I should go for a nude. But, I always feel so boring having the same thing done when there are so many colours to choose from. Nude is so predictable for me. Ah! She’s calling me over! NO! I’M NOT READY!”

Sound familiar? 

I’m betting it does, because we have all had these moments. Even myself as a nail technician, can get overwhelmed with having so many options to choose from.

Unlike other articles you may have read before, I’m not going to talk about what colours and shades suit certain skin tones. Instead, I feel that the most important thing to keep in mind when choosing your nail colour- regardless of your complexion- is to go for a colour that makes you SMILE! Something, that when it’s pouring rain outside or when you’ve had a long day or when you’ve just dropped your buttered toast the wrong way down on the floor (don’t judge me), that you catch a glimpse of your hands and think, “Oh, I just love my nails!”

Anything goes now with nails. I think that when you have to be a grown-up throughout your everyday life, it’s such a fun release and so empowering to get creative with the little things in your life- like your nails!

So, let’s talk about choosing the perfect nail colour for YOU!

First rule of thumb that we need to get out of the way is… GLITTER SUITS EVERYONE! I think that’s all I need to say on that one!

A helpful- and fun- way I’ve found to narrow down all of the colour choices we have available to us today is to think seasonally. Each season brings its own mood and inspiration. When you play into each of these palettes, while of course keeping your favourite colours from them in mind, it will give you new colour ideas for every salon visit as well as limiting the overwhelm from having literally every option to choose from.


What I call, ‘super neutrals,’ are a great choice. A really sheer pink brings a fresh feeling. I also recommend trying a white nail. White nails are not only gorgeous for seasons when we catch a bit more sun, but they’re also really nice to have before we dive into bold colours for the summertime.


GO BOLD! Oranges and corals are a staple for the summertime. The options for coral shades out there are never ending! If you fancy something a bit less bright, try a pastel. Lilac is one of my all time favourites for summer, and it goes with a lot more than you might think. Getting creative with pastel yellows, blues and greens is also a great choice, and you can never go wrong with a pastel pink.


I- like most- love a good nude. There are so many good nude tones. If you aren’t already a nude fan, I’d suggest to continue experimenting as I truly believe there’s a nude shade out there for everyone! I love wearing nude in autumn with a burnt orange or gold sparkle. Deep chocolate brown is so flattering on all skin tones, and if you’re still feelin’ bold from the summertime, give olive green a try. You’ll thank me later!


You can never go wrong with a plum shade; deep, rich purples and reds will always be a winner. Experiment with a few different shades to find your favourite. If you’re new to the world of dark shades, I find those that also have a little bit of shimmer can feel a bit less daunting. If you’re not though, try a classic black manicure! You can add even more drama and glamour by choosing a black that’s super glossy.

Above all, when picking a colour to rock for the next coming weeks, always go for the one you gravitate towards. This may be a seasonal vibe or it may be expressing something even more particular to you. Either way, you want a shade that’ll make you feel like you can take on the world! Something that makes you smile and lifts your mood whenever you look at them!

I love doing nails, but my absolute favourite part about being a tech is giving my clients a look that will keep them beaming way past the appointment!

Chantelle Vermont

Chantelle is the cofounder of clawgasmic.com which aims to connect and unite the nail industry while encouraging and supporting nail technicians on their own journeys. She runs her business alongside her partner Jouvan- who is a marketing genius! Together, they have built Clawgasmic to help nail techs build their businesses. Join the Clawgasmic community via on Facebook and Instagram!


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