4 Things to Remind Yourself When You Feel Self Doubt


I get messages in my inbox often that say something like,

“Chan… I always doubt myself and I feel like I’m never going to be as good as the artists I see on social media.”

If these words sound familiar to you, then keep reading!

Helping nail techs with their self confidence is something I’m really passionate about. It’s what I’ve built my own social media and business doing. So TRUST me when I tell you that if you feel insecure about embarking on a nail career, you are NOT ALONE.

I think if we’re honest, we’ve all had moments where we’ve questioned our skills or ourselves. 

I remember at the beginning of my nail journey, I really struggled with certain looks and techniques. Especially French manicures. They used to be my nemesis! When someone requested one, I’d seem to instantly get a shaky hand and I felt like I had to hold my breath the entire service!

I promise you, if you persevere through your own shakiness and continue to practice and try your very best, you will be surprised with what you can accomplish.

When you feel self doubt creeping in, here are four things to remind yourself…

Every step is a good step. 

Every single day that you do something nail related, you are one step closer to achieving that look or living your dream career. The key is to keep focused and continue to move forward.

Everyone starts from scratch.

All the incredible nail artists you see online had their beginning; just like you. They had to practice and keep repeating things until their own confidence grew. They had to start on social media with zero followers too. 

Look to others for inspiration-not comparison.

PLEASE do not compare yourself to other artists on social media. Instead, be inspired by them! It can be all too easy to fall into the trap of letting other people’s success make you doubt your own. That’s why it’s SO important to opt out of comparison and into inspiration! Admire the looks they’ve created and appreciate their salon set up— take some notes even! Someone succeeding at what you want is proof that it is possible! Use that as motivation.

There’s something special about YOU!

This is something I really want you to remember. No one in the world is going to do nails like you do them. The way you think, the way you create, the way you interact with your clients on and off social media is unique to you! And that is beautiful. You’re the only you there will ever be. Use that to your advantage, because it is one.

All in all, if you continue to work on yourself and work on your craft- even through those moments of self doubt- you will be rewarded with all the progress you’ll have made. And from that progress you’ll gain the confidence you need to go even further.

I’m cheering you on all the way!



Chantelle Vermont

Chantelle is the cofounder of clawgasmic.com which aims to connect and unite the nail industry while encouraging and supporting nail technicians on their own journeys. She runs her business alongside her partner Jouvan- who is a marketing genius! Together, they have built Clawgasmic to help nail techs build their businesses. Join the Clawgasmic community via on Facebook and Instagram!


Do you have to be Artistically Talented to be a Nail Tech?