4 Steps to Combat Insecurity

Repeat after me: “Doing nails IS a REAL job.”



Being a nail technician comes with its challenges and one of these challenges is very unique to any other vocation you could possibly choose. More often than not, when a nail lover tells their friends and family that they want to be a manicurist they are met with doubtful faces and words of discouragement. And this battle can continue throughout their career. The general populous doesn’t seem to understand that not only is doing nails amazing and rewarding, but it actually can make you a nice living. Did you know that the in the US alone over $8.5 billion was spent on nail salon services last year?!

It’s important that you feel empowered in your choice whether you’re a DIYer or you’re working professionally. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with throwing yourself into nail care! But regardless of our own steadfast passion for nails, sometimes we can find ourselves giving into our insecurities and listening to those around us who tell us things like: we should get a “real job”, we're not good enough, we're bad at what we do, or even that no one takes us seriously. It can sometimes be an internal tiny voice that we may not even be fully conscious of or the effect it has on our bodies. But the tell-tale signs of insecurity, unhappiness, and depression can be found when our motivation levels plummet and our fuses are short. Our love of nails can be faced with feelings of guilt and depression.

Instead of getting stuck in this down-in-the-dumps mode we need to focus on keeping ourselves on an upward trajectory. Not only for the sake of ourselves, but for the sake of our clients, friends, and family. So how can we stay motivated and continue to find a deeper meaning in our passion for nails? Here is a quick step-by-step plan to help you snap out of that lackluster mode and rev up your mind, body, and your work:

1. The importance of organizing each day and sticking to a regular schedule is paramount to combat lethargy and that feeling of insecurity. 

Seems silly, but your mood can truly be elevated by committing to waking up at the same time every day, eating well, doing your hair, doing your makeup, and finding time to go for a walk or exercise even if just for 15-20 minutes a day. Forcing yourself to stick to a schedule will start out feeling uncomfortable and useless, but it is scientifically proven to help combat anxiety, lethargy, and demotivation. View your day as a checklist full of small goals. As you complete each task, even as simple as waking up on time, check them off. You'll feel a small sense of accomplishment when you follow through on each goal which will help create a snowball effect of "can do" attitude. Plus, by actually getting up, looking your best, and getting your blood flowing with some exercise you'll feel more awake, more alive, and more confident.

2. Find at least one positive affirmation to tell yourself each morning and at least one thing to be grateful for. 

Examples? "I love and approve of myself just the way I am." "I am grateful for my friends and family who are there to support me." “I can and I will!” Really dig deep and say these mantras/affirmations to yourself daily. Whenever you find yourself falling into a negative thought pattern, these mantras will help you snap out of it and gain perspective.



Positive affirmations and finding gratitude are proven techniques to help people overcome insecurity, anxiety, and fear. You can also Google examples of these positive affirmations to get started if you're having a hard time finding them within. The key is to change your gratitude mantra daily. By having to come up with a new thing to be thankful for you’ll start to step away from obvious things like friends and family and you'll start to discover more detailed things that help you savor life. For example, being thankful for the way your oatmeal in the morning warms your belly and helps you through your day. This exercise will start out a little challenging and you'll find yourself saying some pretty generic things to be grateful for or feeling silly at the start, but with some practice you'll start to really focus on the things that do make your days special and your day will feel more meaningful.

3. Turn that frown upside down. 

Yes, it is one of the most obnoxious sayings ever created, but did you know that smiling is actually a super simple way to physiologically change your mood? And guess what- there's a bonus… it also improves the mood of everyone around you! Try a little experiment and try focusing on smiling more for one day. See if you notice a difference in the way people respond to you and you'll be surprised how contagious smiling can be. Smiling has been such an important part of our interaction as humans and is an automatic sign that you are friendly and do not require the other person to be on alert. It makes everything from interactions with loved-ones easier and more pleasant, to clients as well. Plus, your newfound positive energy will also help attract positive energy back. Try it out and you won't be disappointed with the results. As they say, "Smile and the world smiles with you..."

4. Savor. 

To savor doesn't just mean to taste or smell something, it means to enjoy something completely. Try to focus on the moments in your day and savor them. Focus on the shine of someone's hair, the smell of someone's perfume, the way your clothes feel, the music that plays in your workspace, etc. By savoring the small moments that make up our day we find more meaning in them. It also helps us to remember each moment more vividly which helps us to feel we are living life more fully rather than just existing on the surface. As busy beauty professionals it can be so easy to arrive home at the end of the day and not even remember how we got there. Twelve hours seem to slip by like the blink of an eye and if you put a lot of these types of busy surface existence days together pretty soon you'll start to feel like you're not really living your life. Savoring is one of the best ways you can put an end to feeling like the grains of sand are slipping through your fingers. You'll remember more, you'll appreciate the little things more, and you'll get a sense of true enjoyment out of your days.

To summarize, the steps are: stick to a schedule, start your day with a positive affirmation and at least one thing you are grateful for, smile, and savor.

Try implementing at least some of these steps or all of them if you can. If you commit to making a concerted effort, you'll soon find that you'll feel better .You’ll feel more in control of your life and you'll get more fulfillment out of each day. You’ll also feel overall happier and more motivated from one day to the next. It's important to continue to focus on living a full life and finding meaning in our passions and careers if we want to stick with them for the long haul. A little change of mental process goes a long way. Plus, being a beacon of positive energy will bring positive energy to you, both in your personal life and in your work.

Elizabeth Morris

Elizabeth Morris is a professional gel nail technician, artist, podcaster, YouTuber and owner of The Nail Hub. The Nail Hub offers the highest quality gel nail products, training, consulting and support for gel nail specialists and salons. All Nail Career Education followers get 10% off at thenailhub.com with code SUZIE. Find Elizabeth on Instagram at @thenailhub


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