10 Questions with the King of Nails Max Estrada


Max Estrada is the Founder, CEO and International Master Director of Global Education for his nail product line Exclusive Nail Couture. Being immersed in the nail industry from a very young age, Max found his passion for nail mastery very early on. He attended his first trade show at age five and began competing in nail competitions at age sixteen, placing within the top ten of his category and division. Being the trend-setter that he is, Max says, “The nail industry is not about where it is, but where it is going.” Solidifying this motto and fulfilling his ultimate dream in 2014, Max began Exclusive Nail Couture, bringing new products to nail techs everywhere and complementing his nail care education. Max competes in nail competitions to this day, sharing his true passion for the craft.

Keep up with Max and all his latest products at www.enailcouture.ca as well as on his Instagram and YouTube Channel.

“I grew up in the industry. My mom is still a nail tech. At the time she had her own salon and I would go every day after school to watch her do nails.”


Q: When did you begin your nail career?
I grew up in the industry. My mom is still a nail tech. At the time she had her own salon and I would go every day after school to watch her do nails. At about thirteen/fourteen, I had a serious interest in the industry. I got my license as soon as I finished high school.

Q: What is it about nails that you love?
I love the challenge and the technical aspect of it. I had training in Russia and my mentor was a two-time world champion nail technician. So, I love the rigid structure of nails. Now, as a manufacturer, I love seeing people create with my products. It’s bigger than just making nails themselves. Now, I get to make a difference in people’s lives on a different level.

Q: What inspired you to create your own product line?
I had worked in Research and Development for a big company for nine years. After that, I worked in R&D for a different company for another two years. But, I felt like my career was at a stand still. I had a background in manufacturing, so I wanted to bring all of my knowledge and my esthetic into it. I wanted to bring the fun back to nails!

Q: What has been the biggest challenge you’ve had to face in your career?
I have faced different struggled at all stages of my nail career. Early on, it was timing and application. Then, it was building my salon. Nails itself is a challenge, as I always have a vision in my head that I want to execute and have look a certain way. That’s the great thing about this industry though. It’s always a challenge. Which works for me, because I have a competitive nature!

“I wanted to bring the fun back to nails!”


Q: Is there a product of yours that you’re most proud of creating?
Everything that I make, I put my love and energy into! Not all products are hits, but they’re still something that I’m proud of. But in my heart, my acrylic line is so special because it’s so advanced and unique. Also, my upcoming pink monomer is for sure going to be a home run!

Q: You travel all around the world for your career. What are your top three favourite places and why?
South Korea is my #1! It was the first place I travelled to for work, so it has a special place in my heart. Ever since, I have gone back a few times a year just for fun! I love K-pop and have made really good friends there. The US is #2. I’ve been able to visit many places in America and I love all things there and being able to meet fans and techs who use Enailcouture. #3 is hard, but because I feel so humbled to have traveled everywhere and be able to share my love for nails, I will choose China for the simple fact that they have the best food in the world!


Q: What’s your all time favourite nail event you’ve attended?
I think the ISSE show in Long Beach is one of my favourite beauty shows. It was the first place I was able to exhibit. Plus Disneyland is my birth place... so the show has a special place in my heart!

Q: You speak several languages. Which ones and how did you do it?!
I speak four languages, but I know a few phrases in many. I love music in various languages, so that’s how I pick up the pronunciation quickly. I speak English, Spanish, Japanese and Russian. I learned Japanese when I attended private language school when I was eight and Russian I picked up while training their for nails.

Q: Any passions or hobbies outside of nails?
I don’t have too many since I work 24/7, 365 days! But, clothes and fashion would have to be a big one. I love Gucci in particular. When I was a small child, my mom would dress me up. As a little sailor, a race car driver, a cowboy, you name it! I always remember all of my clothes to have a “costume” like feel. As a young man, I still love that esthetic: clothes themed and full of colour. It’s fun to dress up and enjoy a different look every day! 


“I enjoy my nail friends who I don’t always just talk nails with.”

Q: With traveling so extensively and attending so many events, you must have met some cool people along the way. Can you share a few of your favourites?
Max: Probably the two with the most impact for me would be my teachers. Trang Ngyuen, who is the two-time world champion and trained me for almost ten years, and Elena Shankaya, my nail art teacher from Russia. Also, Suzie from Nail Career Education is a close personal friend of mine. I can speak with her about anything! I enjoy my nail friends who I don’t always just talk nails with.


Suzie Submissions: Spring 2019


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